Thursday, August 19, 2010

The third step is helping others that have the same compulsions...

To be honest, this is how the Real Chicks got started. After climbing Kilimanjaro and feeling invincible, I wanted to make every woman feel the same way in the outdoors. Losing the group that was created out of that idea has left a gaping hole in my spirit. It has become obvious that I NEED to have like-minded women in my life. Guiding a monthly hike strengthened my desire to be better at it. It forced me to get up, even if once a month, and enjoy nature in a new way.

Since the March Real Chicks trip, I have been approached by several staff members at the Y about starting a hiking group here. At first thought, I adore the idea. Upon further reflection, it scares the crap out of me. In Omaha, I knew the trails, I knew the drives to trail heads, the mileage, the duration and the people. I trusted those I was with and they trusted me to guide them in their Saturday adventure. My competency in guiding is something I take very seriously.
Have you ever been on a hike with a less than prepared hike master? Everyone senses the stress, the pressure. As a hiker, you worry that if you fall, this person won't have the skill to help. I've been on hikes where I genuinely felt our leader had no idea where they were taking us. I worry that here in Colorado, I would be this person. There are SO many trails to learn! And most people who live here are really skilled, making me feel like I have to step up even more to be a good hike leader. It's not so much that I feel the need to be perfect. I will just have to humble myself...probably often. Perhaps be more of a hike organizer, than a leader. As a side note, skill development is a major reason I moved here. I felt I had exhausted many of my resources back home and needed a place where I could be the student more often.

So, I'm thinking of organizing a women's hike. In Colorado. Just as in Omaha, there may only be 5 of us on the first one but I am hopeful that in starting it, I can help foster healthy living for myself, as well as to other women in the valley.

Wish me luck.

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