Friday, September 3, 2010

Just because you USED to do it...

doesn't mean you still can.

Lesson learned! I'm all for pushing myself but attempting to crank out 15 miles in 5 hours with 30 pounds on my back was a harsh realization...I'm not in the shape I used to be in.

In hindsight I should have given myself more time. Starting at 2pm adds a new level of urgency, worrying over the sun setting before you're off trail. And the sun is setting earlier every day (boo!). I also should have started with a little less weight perhaps, even 20 lbs would have made a difference....for my shoulders, my back, my hips...all those muscles other than your legs that you forget that you NEED to carry a loaded pack.

The hike was tiring but worth it. I mean, check out these views!

I'd love to tell you that I will never do that again, but since this adventure, I have...twice. Pack and all. For I was not about to give up my pre-planned mid-week campout for a few sore muscles! No WAY!

Summer is fleeting and I'm going outside!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Life moves FAST

One year ago
...I accepted a job offer in Colorado
...I packed my things into a truck and moved west a new state
...where I knew no one a place I'd only visited for a few days
...I missed my family, my best friends and my RCs IMMENSELY!

...I can only imagine my dog in the mountains. No fences for him!
...While community takes a while to cultivate, I've made some great friends
...I somehow managed to meet an incredible guy
...I get to enjoy visits from Real Chicks, family and friends. I've even had some time to reconnect with long-lost friends, now that I live in a destination location.
...I am thankful to explore new, hidden outdoor gems whenever I want
...I have the opportunity to grow in my knowledge and love of the outdoors

It's not every day that our adventures look like this but in looking back at my life's journey over the last year, I am certain I made the right choice.