Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Show Your Support

If you're in Omaha...and a chick (okay, a woman), hit the trail this weekend and show your support for the Backwoods Omaha Real Chicks Hike. This month's hike will be at Platte River State Park and we will be granted the opportunity to recruit more local ladies.

How will we be doing this? Well, this month's hikers will be joined by a reporter from Omaha's HER magazine, who is working on a story about the Real Chicks!!

That's right, we are quickly becoming a story to tell.

Women? Who hike?!? Consistently?!?!? Insanity!

It would be great to get a big showing of chicks despite the temps and impending holiday madness so tell your friends and grab your boots. Contact Backwoods direct for more information on the hike.