Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friday, June 25, 2010

The Pee Funnel Will Change Your Life!

So, you may have noticed the poll to your left. What keeps you from adventuring? For most women, the answer to this question has a lot to do with comfort. Some things ...ahem... just aren't as easy for us in the great outdoors.

For example, I was once traveling on a glacier, harnessed in and physically tied to 3 men. There was a rope team of 4 men ahead of my own, another behind us. We wore crampons and each wielded an ice axe. It was windy, cold, snowy and VERY challenging. So, what is a girl to do if she has to...ummm..relieve herself? The "hardcore" among us would chant "drop trou" and let it go. "Just do it!" While I can appreciate their intensity, it is hard enough being a woman in a man's world without worrying about onlookers in a time like that!

Let's self-examine here:
You are a woman. You love the outdoors. You don't mind copping a squat behind a bush, rock or other object. But what if you were me? In the aforementioned scenario? What then? WHAT is a woman to do?

The unfortunate answer to this is often NOT to go on the trip. To avoid the situation altogether. But YOU LOVE THE OUTDOORS!! Why let something like this stop you? The other option is to lessen your fluid consumption. DANGEROUS!! DON'T DO IT!! Believe it or not, there are several devices (yes, devices) that can change your life if you are one of the pee-in-public-wary.

1) The Freshette Pee Funnel - "Look, Ma! I can write my name in the snow!" Yes you can. This is a 2 piece device. The funnel (yep) is made of hard plastic with a softer plastic tube that attaches to the end. So, you unzip, slip in the funnel and direct the flow. I really AM trying to make this as ick-resistant as possible.

2) The Go-Girl - This little device is essentially the same concept except the funnel plastic is softer and it has no tube attachment. In that it is more pliable, it rolls up into a container not much larger than a film canister (for those who remember film!). Without the extra tube, make sure you have a worthy flow. I've found it's a it harder to direct when there's only a trickle.

You'll probably still want a little TP since it's harder to air dry without the breeze, which you will no longer be experiencing. Either of these is easy to keep clean in the backcountry. In the winter, I simply wash it with snow between uses, allowing time for it to dry out in the sun when I get to camp. Other times of the year, I rinse with a little water from my Nalgene and again, give an opportunity to dry out. Dry/Sun time is important. This is NOT the time to get an infection.

I once had a girl scout come up to me at the shop. She and another young lady were to accompany about a dozen BOY scouts on a winter camping trip to the Boundary Waters. They were scared out of their minds. I wish my words could convey the expression on this girl's face when I gave her the freedom to keep her pants on! I highly recommend a device like this for any woman outside.

Imagine the possibilities:
No more waiting until you descend a rock wall
No more pulling the canoe over
No more mosquito bites on your back side
No more pulling over in the car until you run out of gas!
Perfect conversation starter with men and women alike
(Warning/Confession: I once brought up the pee funnel on a first date. There wasn't a second)


Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hiking Tip: Wear Chacos With Caution

Monarch Lake is a special place for my mutt and I. It was the first place we got our hiking legs under us after we moved to Colorado last September. There's a vast network of trails in the area, all of which amaze!
While new to the area and tentative, we stuck to the 4-mile, relatively flat loop through the forest, around the lake. It didn't take long, however, for us to venture in further. We were wooed by the Cascade Falls trail marker. I mean, when are we not, as outdoors-women, completely in awe of waterfalls? Cascade Falls was to be my first in Colorado.

Note: This is Cascade Falls in September of last year. Spring pictures, which are far more impressive, to follow.

This 9 mile out and back is now one of my favorite hikes in the area. The trails are well marked and easy to follow. Several miles of uphill make for a good workout, while allowing a reprieve on the way back. It's easy to feel secluded but not isolated here. I also love that there is water a-plenty! No need to pack water for B as he can play in/drink from the many streams, waterfalls and lakes in the area.

This week, I attempted to do this hike in my Chaco sandals. I love them for the ventilation but when you mix water play with most footwear, it adds to blisters! I didn't notice them until I got home but if I had been out much longer, it could have been a bad situation.

A few trail downfalls:
Horses are allowed to use this trail. While I've noticed "it" more in the fall, WATCH YOUR STEP!
The 4 mile loop is GREAT for families. This can make it crowded during the summer

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

But What Does It All MEAN??????

2005 -
My lifestyle could have been described as "bump on a log" save for a *little* running.
My relationships were struggling
I felt out of place, inadequate and lost
I spent my life dreaming and not doing

2006 -
Quit my job
Booked a plane ticket to Africa
Successfully reached the top of Kilimanjaro...with 25 men
Immediately wondered where all of the women were
Realized I was capable of doing so much more
Moved home to Omaha, seeking new meaning for my life

2007 -
Took a position at an outdoor retailer
Learned vast amounts about the outdoors
Pulled a 180 in my lifestyle
Surveyed women as to what was stopping them from going outside
Figured out how to eliminate excuses
Started Real Chick's Hike, a monthly women's hiking group

The rest, as they say, is history. My life was never the same once the Real Chicks became part of it.

I have been asked about the name. What's the story there? Well, in my opinion, real chicks hike and hiking is for REAL chicks (i.e. "superwoman" status not necessary). The name was designed to encompass any woman from the modestly active mother of four to the ultra-triathlete (that's a real thing, isn't it?)

But what does it MEAN?!?!
You're right, there's more to being a "Real Chick" than simply being a woman, although that really is the only requirement. I'm going to leave that to my fellow RCs. I'm going to let them share their stories and hopefully, it'll be easier to understand the way that being part of this AMAZING, SUPPORTIVE, COMPASSIONATE, ADVENTUROUS, DIVERSE, INTELLIGENT community of women, can change your life.

We are an inclusive bunch...where all are welcome. So, tell your best lady friends.