Friday, November 12, 2010

2 Steps forward, 1 step back

 I returned from my great European getaway to two full weeks of software training and data entry. We are switching over our entire system and the powers that be moved up the launch date while I was out of the country (or..I missd an email somewhere). So, for about 20-25 hours a week for two weeks, I have been trying to keep my head above water and my desk from collapsing from the weight of unreturned messages/emails.
  Feeling overwhelmed at work has always been hard for me to separate from my home life. In theory I "leave my work at the door" at the end of the day but while I may not carry specific gripes home, I can sense my motivation in other areas draining as a result of office situations.
  I came back from vacation feeling recharged and rejuvenated. I joined the gym, started eating healthier and hiking again. I read a book. I felt as if I was a better friend, girlfriend...even a better dog mom.
I felt good about myself.
 This week I have been terrible about all of the things I was proud to have accomplished last week. I have been to the gym once. Have stopped reading and hiking (I partially blame this on daylight savings). I've been lame about my blog posting. I ate Oreo Cakesters for breakfast, PEOPLE! And those are just wrong on SO many levels and against every value I hold with regard to diet...they're what I would call a "mutant" food.

So, these last two weeks have brought me two steps forward and one step back. I guess I'm still ending up on the right side of that equation but it's frustrating and I'm ready to be done feeling this way.

Our training should be over by the time this posts.
Here's to a new week and the power I have to change the way I'm feeling.

1 comment:

  1. You have the right thermostat. Our climate favors Oreo Cakesters and serial software coups. You seem to be mastering the micro climate. There lies sanity at least, joy/fulfillment at best.
