Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What a blur!

Over the weekend, I flew in to join the Omaha Real Chicks for their 3rd anniversary celebration. While I don't have any pictures from the hike as I'm still nursing a bum foot (if you have them, please SEND them!), I can tell you that the shebang at Soaring Wings Vineyard did not disappoint!

In true form, the RCs rose to a challenge! We had 2 teams represent in the grape stomping competition and even took home the trophy..another bottle of wine. Cheese and crackers were quickly consumed as we finished off 4 bottles of wine. We laughed so hard we cried, we mooned each other...coughcoughtoniandsandracough and we generally caused some sideways looks from the others participating in the hosted Harvest Festival.

I know I get sappy and feel like I say it a lot, but I LOVE you chicks! There are not many people that I absolutely CAN'T WAIT to see and spend time with. You are at the top of that list though. Your encouragement, support and incredible sense of FUN just astounds me. And although I just had a few short hours with *some* of you this weekend, it was SO worth the trip!


  1. I had a superb time too at Soaring Wings! The grape stomping was a blast to watch-I am so proud of the chick stomping athletes! I think I saw some moonshine too, there is a "crack" on my car window from it, if you know what I mean!
    We love you too-and thank you for making the special effort to come to the Anniversary Hike-with your bum foot and all! Especially a big-big thank you for 'founding' this extraordinary group of women. When I am out of sorts.......a chick fix is the right medicine!
    Looking forward to more RC fun!

  2. Jessie & Real Chicks alike...thank you, thank you, thank you for keeping the Real Chicks alive. Don't know if there are enough words to express how much I appreciate the friendships that are developing, not to mention that we have the exquisite outdoors as our muse!

    And Sue...the right medicine for sure!
