Tuesday, March 29, 2011

From Anne

Last October, as the RCs were arriving at our Weekend Getaway in Winter Park, I mentioned that my co-leader, Anne, had jsut been diagnosed with leukemia and would not be able to join us for our adventures. Over the course of the weekend, the chicks asked me questions about her and in the end, decided to take up a collection to help her cover the cost of medical expenses. It was truly amazing to watch you rally around another women you had never met.

Currently, Anne is in Denver, undergoing treatment for the leukemia. Trying to keep infection at bay. Being from Minnesota, she's come to rely on many kindnesses from strangers, like the chicks, and more recent friends. She was finally able to jot down her thoughts about the help you gave her and asked that I share this.
She's got a long road ahead of her and I thank you for helping her along that path. Keep her in your hearts over the coming months as she battles a disease so many of us have had to face with our friends, family and loved ones. I figured this was the easiest way to make sure you all got the message. Withough further adieu...

Dear Real Chicks,

This is to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your generous donations towards my medical bills this fall. I was SO touched when Jessie told me that you had spontaneously offered to donate to whatever needs I was having. It was so thoughtful, and a huge blessing! THANK YOU! Your generous contributions came at such a helpful time...I had not been working much, and was very grateful for your help with my bills and living expenses.

As some of you may have heard, it appeared that a miracle occurred while I was in the hospital...the original diagnosis was acute leukemia, then within days some test results came in that contradicted that. So I was tested for many viruses; all those were negative, as well. So I became a "mystery patient" which is actually a good place to be. :)

Unfortunately the original diagnosis was reinstated in January, so I am now going through the process of natural treatments and doing my best to stay well and at home.

I am so grateful for the generosity of people like you, strangers even, who have reached out to help me on this journey! Please forgive the belatedness of this message. Thank you again for such a touching and generous gift!

With hugs and gratitude,
Anne Vattendahl

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