Monday, January 24, 2011

Team In Training

 Months ago there was some discussion of the chicks coming together to support women-specific causes. I posted that there were some in the Omaha crew that were rallying behind women's rights in the Congo and Breast Cancer. I just received an email that Carla, another Omaha chick, is getting ready to push her body to the limit and doing so in honor of those who struggle with blood cancers.

 She doesn't know I'm writing this but it turns out her cause has recently become very personal for me. One of the best friends I've made since moving to Colorado was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia in October. In fact, this particular friend was supposed to co-lead the October Chicks trip with me until getting the news just days before the Adventure Weekend group arrived. Understandably, she was crushed. And many of you who came out for that trip generously took up a collection to help a woman you had never met. I never cease to be amazed by your personalities and spirit of solidarity.

 This friend of mine, Anne, is a RC to the core. She is independent, intelligent, creative, passionate about the outdoors and one of the most kind people I've met. After being diagnosed, we were shocked to have her diagnosed reversed a few weeks later (just before chemo started). It seemed an absolute miracle when the doctor told her they were changing her chart to "undiagnosed." She came back from the hospital and started to resume her life. Last week, the bottom dropped out with leukemia. I'm sure you can only imagine her emotional state through all of this.

 So, it is by no means a women-specific cause, but as I agreed to financially support Carla in her fundraising to race through Team In Training, I thought of Anne and I was encouraged...hopeful that someday we will not only be able properly diagnose these blood cancers but that treatments for prevention and/or cure could someday exist. I know that there are too many illnesses, cancers and causes to count and most are worthy of our time and resources. We have all been affected in different way, through all sorts of tragedies. Should you feel compelled to help Carla reach her $1400 personal or $4200 team goal to fight leukemia and lymphoma, please visit her fundraising page here.

 If this is not the cause for you, no worries. I would jsut ask, on a personal note, that if you have a moment to spare, please keep Anne in your thoughts and prayers as she begins chemotherapy this week.

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