Thursday, July 8, 2010

Fitness Funk

Last night I attended Happy Hour with a Colorado RC. As we were talking about our lives, we inevitably came to the topic of health and fitness. Namely, how much we feel we are currently failing ourselves in this arena.

I don't know about you, but I feel this issue comes up time and time again with women. We consistently beat ourselves up over our bodies and diet. We judge the other women we know on their lifestyle choices.

I have struggled to find a reliable routine since moving to Colorado. This is a big deal for me because being fit, active and "outdoorsy" was a major part of my decision to move here. Now I feel I'm not living up to my goals and it's disappointing.

Here's one thing they don't tell you about living in the mountains. Your life becomes about extremes. As I noted to my RC friend, as we dined on guacamole, banana cream pie and Malbec (yeah, we both felt a little nauseous after that combo too), it's as if everything you do here is either VERY healthy or VERY UNhealthy. If you're not outside, it seems all social activities revolve around food and drink a-plenty. What is that about?!

In Omaha, I had a routine. I consistently walked 6+ miles roundtrip to/from work. I consistently went to Bikram yoga, I was on my feet at work all day, hiked often and biked to the Old Market. I have lived here NINE months and have yet to find a routine that works for me here. It's driving me nuts.

There are a lot of reasons I feel this way. I recognize that the choices made are mine, and mine alone. I can't blame anyone but myself for eating that ridiculous concoction of happy hour food and drink last night. It is me that chooses to read or nap or watch a movie over something more active.

This RC and I are not alone. We've all felt it. She and I are working on a plan to keep each other accountable (that's what RCs do, after all) in being active and making better choices. I hope it works. Guess what, we're starting a little weekly women's hike out here...sound familiar?

I'll keep you posted on how things go. I just thought it was a concern we all struggle with at one point or another. And I'm curious to know how you've pulled yourselves out of fitness funks in the past. What's worked? What hasn't? This is an important and REAL add your we can learn and be encouraged from one another.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. SUCH a timely post, Jessie!! I can very much relate. I am so all or nothing, and it easily seeps into my fitness and nutrition goals! It is very easy for me to be 100 percent, or 'screw it' about both, and difficult to find a balance.

    Lately what helps me is to continue to think 'lifestyle' not necessarily daily or weekly 'success.' I know I do not want a life with out rest days, large amounts of cake and ice cream on occasion, and no plans whatsoever sometimes!! So I try to have a treat a week, always celebrate holidays with special food, and not deny myself anything (moderation! -sometimes I mess this up. But that's ok.)

    This is the first week of training for a half marathon in Sept and my back is acting up, so I have not been able to do any workouts!! Huge bummer! But trying to focus on long term health, and taking a week off. That said, a training schedule/training for a race/event always is a great way to motivate me to be consistent and work towards the goal!

    And of course having a friend (or twin sister) to do talk nutrition and train along with me is probably the most inspiring and fun 'help'!!

    Great post- I am excited to hear about your de-funking and what other Chicks have to share! :)
