Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Announcement Announcement ANNOUNCEMENT!!

I're wondering HOW can there be another announcement this month?!?
It's already been so exciting, with learning of the October trip and all!!
Well, hold on to your pee funnels, ladies!
The Omaha Real Chick's Hike 3rd Anniversary is rapidly approaching and this real chick is a'comin home!!
Rachel will send out the normal Evite from Backwoods but I wanted to give you all a head's up that this year's bash is going to be HUGE!!
Wine Tasting (it's tradition!)
Note the date for our bash will NOT be the 3rd Sat of September.
Date will be SEPTEMBER 25, 2010
Details TBD
Plan for a whole day of fun!
I can't wait to see you all again.


  1. YAY is right! woo hoo!

    (blog question, tho-- is there any way to sign up for an email update when you post something new?)

  2. i'll check into it, cara. i thought when you registered as a "follower" it would email you automatically. let me we what i can find out.

  3. I am so happy that it is the weekend of the 25th-I will be there for sure. You can bet I will have my belt on!!
    Sweet Sue
