Wednesday, June 23, 2010

But What Does It All MEAN??????

2005 -
My lifestyle could have been described as "bump on a log" save for a *little* running.
My relationships were struggling
I felt out of place, inadequate and lost
I spent my life dreaming and not doing

2006 -
Quit my job
Booked a plane ticket to Africa
Successfully reached the top of Kilimanjaro...with 25 men
Immediately wondered where all of the women were
Realized I was capable of doing so much more
Moved home to Omaha, seeking new meaning for my life

2007 -
Took a position at an outdoor retailer
Learned vast amounts about the outdoors
Pulled a 180 in my lifestyle
Surveyed women as to what was stopping them from going outside
Figured out how to eliminate excuses
Started Real Chick's Hike, a monthly women's hiking group

The rest, as they say, is history. My life was never the same once the Real Chicks became part of it.

I have been asked about the name. What's the story there? Well, in my opinion, real chicks hike and hiking is for REAL chicks (i.e. "superwoman" status not necessary). The name was designed to encompass any woman from the modestly active mother of four to the ultra-triathlete (that's a real thing, isn't it?)

But what does it MEAN?!?!
You're right, there's more to being a "Real Chick" than simply being a woman, although that really is the only requirement. I'm going to leave that to my fellow RCs. I'm going to let them share their stories and hopefully, it'll be easier to understand the way that being part of this AMAZING, SUPPORTIVE, COMPASSIONATE, ADVENTUROUS, DIVERSE, INTELLIGENT community of women, can change your life.

We are an inclusive bunch...where all are welcome. So, tell your best lady friends.

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