Monday, June 6, 2011

Sometimes You Just Need Your Peeps

Last Thursday would have been my dad's 59th birthday. Having just lost him in January, I would admit to my wounds being very fresh. I still tear up a lot...father/daughter dances, forget it! I am now among the crazy Hallmark commercial criers. Ugh.

Having struggled to sleep on Wednesday night, thinking about dad and considering how much I hate the "business" of losing someone I just want to love, I started dad's birthday with a horrible exhaustion headache, puffy eyes and a general lack of energy. I took the day off. I thought I'd spend my day doing something to remember dad but I really just felt so crappy that I couldn't do much more than watch Goonies.

 By about 3pm I was fed up with my sulking. I wanted to be with my friends and family to remember dad...not 600 miles from those who knew him best. 1 call to my boss, a call home and a resold concert ticket later and Bracco and I were GOING HOME!

 I absolutely love long road trips and don't even mind taking them alone. I like singing at the top of my lungs and listening to uninterrupted NPR podcasts. This time of year, I really love driving into western Nebraska and seeing all of the deep spring green (a welcome treat after 3 hours of eastern of the least aesthetically pleasing places on earth).

 My random, spontaneous trip to Omaha allowed me some time to dream up adventures with the chicks, hit the 1st birthday party of my favorite kiddo, see Bridesmaids (yes!) and hang out with my family. Bracco got to run around a sweltering (yeah, we're wusses) backyard with his little dog cousins, Leroy and Gretchen, chasing squirrels!

Bracco with his cousins
Leg wrestling with my brother...just like the old days!
Hanging with the Chicks

Flooded parks

Loving those deciduous trees

The cutest birthday girl ever!

 While I'm exhausted from a weekend away and a long 20 hours in the car round-trip, hanging with my friends and family was a perfect way to celebrate dad's life, rather than wallow in his absence. Sometimes, you just need your peeps!


  1. Sure glad you could be with family and friends!

  2. Peep peep-glad you were home too!
