Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wrapping Up

      There's a lot to say about the Real Chicks Adventure this past weekend but to be completely honest...I'm still recovering from our closing margarita night! I will post many stories, pictures, tips and reviews over the next few weeks as well as lessons learned in trip planning but to start, let me just say that you chicks are the most INCREDIBLE group of women I have ever met.
      Our hiking excursions were wet, cold and challenging. We had 2 suffering through head and chest colds, 1 with a bum knee, myself with a broken foot, tents with collapsed rain flys, ridiculously incorrect weather forecasts. We had one who conquered her fear of heights to ZIP LINE! She also crossed mountain biking off of her life's bucket list. Several made their first campfire...and did it with wet wood!
     I often wonder how the trip would have been different if men were there. In fact, trip or not, it is curious to me how we are different with men than we are just with ourselves. Would we feel more inclined to complain? Would we have sat back and let ourselves be taken care of rather than taking care of ourselves? Would we have been vulnerable in talking about what it's like to raise a child? To struggle with spirituality? Would we have climbed a tree to hang a bear bag? Would we have leg wrestled in the living room? Would we have talked about bodily functions less? AT ALL?
      There is something so rewarding about a group of women setting out for an adventure. Relying on their own skills of navigation and first aid, pitching their own tents, building their own fires, breaking their own trail. Responding to challenge...together. And let me tell you how high my head was held...walking into a restaurant for breakfast after our campout with the 9 of you. Muddy, dirty, wet, sleep deprived and yet LAUGHING and PROUD of yourselves!

     For those who couldn't be there, know you were missed. To those of you who were, THANK YOU for allowing me to be part of your lives this weekend. I can only hope that you realize how much I love you...miss you...and am completely overwhelmed with inspiration by you. Until next time...solidarity!

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