Wednesday, September 29, 2010


We all have those who over the years have made us into better women.

When I was attending college in Chicago, I was introduced to a woman who played this role in my life. She was probably the first outdoors woman I had meet who walked the walk. Being from Montana, she and her husband would hike, camp and were generally and genuinely invested in pursuing an outdoor lifestyle.

My friend, Carla was a wonderfully supportive person. She was a great listener and I still to this day have an incredible amount of respect for the way in which she and her husband, Matt, live out their marriage.

Since the days when I saw Carla on a consistent basis, she and her husband have been through seminary, photography school, moved to the west coast, had a daughter and have taken up MOUNTAINEERING! Since those days, I have moved to Omaha, then to Winter Park, gotten a dog, been through a few relationships, begain pursuing an outdoors lifestyle and taken up MOUNTAINEERING!

I haven't seen her in years but in hearing about her adventures on mountains via facebook (thank goodness for facebook) I have found myself feeling reconnected with her in a more spiritual sense. I'm calling it "the bond of the outdoors woman."

I emailed Carla a few months ago and asked her to write something about her mountaineering experiences. She has submitted her story and some photos of Mt Hood and I will be posting it in the next day or so but I wanted to introduce her and her role in my life.

I would love to know if you have had a female outdoors role model in your life. If you'd like to write something up about her and how you were encouraged, I would love to post it.

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